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4 simple steps to win more customers with your ' About 'page

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It’s a page that we don’t give much thought to, because we assume that the rest of our website is pulling all the weight. Or more likely, the reason we neglect our About page is because we just don’t like writing about ourselves.

What we’re left with is an About page that either speaks in industry jargon, sounds too self-promotional, or is so brief it sounds like an afterthought.

And that’s a problem, because that pesky About page is the second most visited page on most websites. And as your business grows, without some serious TLC, it will continue to undermine you and your offers, sending potential customers straight into your competitor’s arms.

Gulp. Let’s fix this, right now, OK?

"People don’t care about you, but rather, what you can do for them. Ninety percent of your About page should be focused on the reader, not you."

Here’s a quick and easy formula to transform your About page, to win trust and attract more buyers…

Rule 1. It’s not me, it’s you

Too many About pages are all “me, me, me.” Like the guy at the party who corners you in the kitchen and talks at you for twenty minutes without coming up for air. Don’t be that guy. He doesn’t make friends. Instead, realise the cold hard truth of human nature — people don’t care about you, but rather, what you can do for them. Ninety percent of your About page should be focused on the reader, not you.

Rule 2. It needs to have a clear, persuasive structure

Here’s a simple formula I use for myself and my clients’ About pages. Answer the following four questions as briefly but accurately as possible, and you’ll have a reader—focused About page that’s ready to roll:

  1. What’s this website about, and is it right for me?

  2. What’s the big benefit?

  3. Who are you, and why should I trust you?

  4. What should I do now?

If you look at my stupidly simple website, you’ll see how I’ve followed this formula for my own About page.

Rule 3. It needs to be easy to read (headers, short sentences

Nothing kills passion like a page full of text; readers will deem it hard work, and quickly close the page. The reality is, people scan webpages. Use headers and short sentences to stop scanners in their tracks, and draw people into your content.

Rule 4. Put a face on

One of the biggest trust builders is transparency. If people can see you’re a real person, have a real team of staff and a real office location, then you’re ninety percent home and dry. Put a picture up. Post a welcome video. Prove your authenticity on your About page, and you’ll gain far more trust.

That’s really it. Nothing complex or sneaky. Just four solid rules to help you create a more persuasive, reader-focused About page that gives people a reason to buy from you.



This article by Nick Brighton is reproduced with the permission of Flying Solo - Australia's micro business community. 
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